2 min read
'Blacklash' Over Biden's Supreme Pick

When Senator Joe Biden promised to nominate a Black woman to the Supreme Court if he were elected President, a ton of backlash - or should I say blacklash - ensued.

Now that Biden has made good on that promise, two of his biggest detractors, whom oddly enough share the same initials,"TC", were extremely vocal in their opposition. 

Let’s start with Fox News Talk show host Tucker Carlson, regarding his comments on Biden's decision.

"Let's say you really didn't care about the country you lead. Let's say you wanted to humiliate and degrade it and undermine its ancient institutions—what would you do? Well, you might take the single most important appointed position in the entire government and announce in public that you were filling that position on the basis of appearance."

Carlson’s hypocrisy is on full display here since Trump declared on a national stage that he too would nominate based on appearance - a woman - as a replacement for the late Justice Ruth Bader-Ginsburg.

The only difference is that in addition to gender, Biden also specified race. So if Biden’s declaration is racist, then logically, Trump’s declaration --and Ronald Reagan’s before him-- would be sexist.

Carlson seems bewildered as to why Biden would focus solely on Black female candidates. For the obtuse Carlson and others, let me explain. 

It’s called diversity and inclusion.

Since the Supreme Court's one hundred and fifteen year inception, there has never been a Black female judge.

Currently, out of the nine judges, sits five White males, one Black male, two White women and one Hispanic woman.

Absent are Native Americans and Asians of both genders, a Hispanic male and a Black female. Out of these four minority groups, it is the Black female voter that overwhelmingly (at least 90%) supports the Democratic Party in elections.

Let me be frank here.

Democrats CANNOT win an election without the Black female voter.

Biden was elected president LARGELY due to the Black female voter.

The president is obviously pandering to his constituents...but it’s no different than when Trump pandered to his, which is why all three of his judicial appointees are White conservatives.

Now lets talk about Biden’s other detractor with the initials "TC" - Texas Senator Ted Cruz.

Here's what Cruz stated on his Verdict Podcast about Biden's decision.

“The fact that [Biden] is willing to make a promise... that it [the Supreme Court nomination] must be a Black woman…I gotta say, that’s offensive. Black women are what, 6% of the US population? He’s saying to 94% of Americans…you are ineligible.”

Cruz’s figures are off. 

Although Black women make up 6% of the population according to the US Census, only Black female judges are being considered; therefore, the percentage of eligible candidates will be roughly 1 or 2 %.

I'm not sure why the senator even brought up demographics anyway, but let me just expand on that.

There has been at least 3 sitting judges of the Jewish Faith simultaneously on the Supreme Court - Justice Ginsburg, Justice Kagan and the now retiring, Justice Breyer.

The Jewish population is reported as being only 3% according to US Census.

There has also been at least 2 sitting judges of Italian descent simultaneously on the court - Antonin Scalia and Samuel Alito.

The Italian population ranks a little higher at 5%.

Both groups have faced a history of painful discrimination and violence in this country as immigrants settling into America. For American born Black women though, the history of discrimination and violence is two-fold, stemming from both racism and sexism. 

From the Abolitionist movement to the Women's Rights movement and the Civil Right’s movement, Black women have long fought and often lead the struggle, always securing a seat at the table --even at times when they were not wanted -while becoming instrumental in re-writing the laws in this country. 

Let me repeat that.

Black women have been instrumental in re-writing the laws in this country.

Therefore, it is both apropos and a full circle moment now that a Black woman - namely, Kentanji Brown-Jackson - will finally secure the highest seat at the table interpreting the laws that her ancestors once bravely helped to create.

So for Carlson, Cruz and others wondering why Biden is only considering Black female judges to the Supreme Court, my question to them is: “Why shouldn't he?"

Just my two cents.

Now please take a look at this clip as Trump promises to nominate a woman for the Supreme Court. Don't forget to share your thoughts afterward. 

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