2 min read
Whoop-De-Do Doo!

Whoopi Goldberg has stepped in major doo-doo.

On a recent episode of The View, Whoopi claimed that the Holocaust was not about race, rather it was about "man's inhumanity to man."

Of course we know that declaration isn't entirely true since Hitler and his ilk believed Jewish people to be that of an inferior race. 

Whoopi's comments prompted outrage by many as they saw the comedienne as "downplaying" the Holocaust. 

She later recanted and gave a trifecta of apologies. First on social media, then with an appearance on the Stephen Colbert Show, and again the next morning on The View when she interviewed Anti-Defamation League CEO, Jonathan Greenblatt.

Her contrition didn't do much good however, since ABC decided to suspend Whoopi for two weeks over her "wrong and hurtful" comments.

Some conservatives, like Whoopi's former cohost, Meghan McCain, decried the two week suspension and felt ABC head honchos were engaging in a double standard since Roseanne Barr, a fellow conservative, was fired immediately after her racial faux pas.

The comparison is ridiculous. 

Yes, Whoopi's and Roseanne's comments were both controversial, but that's where the commonality ends. 

One comedienne compared a black woman's (Valerie Jarrett) looks to that of a primate (Although, Roseanne later infamously stated regarding the fair skin Jarrett: "I thought the bitch was white!"), while another comedienne lacked a full understanding of why an unspeakable tragedy occurred. 

Comparing any human to a primate is essentially calling that human, subhuman. Not knowing the reason millions were mass murdered by someone who, ironically, chose a Jewish stage name to further her Hollywood career, is simply a lack of knowledge and education; there is no ill will regarding the latter. 

McCain didn't see it that way, however, and wrote a scathing opinion piece in the DailyMail lambasting her former colleague as bigoted.

"Whoopi has said a slew of insanely-controversial and hurtful things over the course of her tenure at The View," she wrote.

Meghan's comment is a classic case of the pot calling the kettle, "African-American." (Pun intended)

In her three year stay at The View, Meghan has made a slew of controversial statements herself centered around race. 

Like the time she accused Democrats of discriminating against white men.

 “I think the question Democrats have to reconcile with right now is whether or not race and gender are more important than qualifications.” she said.

Or the time she took no umbrage in Trump labeling Covid-19 as the "China Virus."

 “I don’t have a problem with people calling it whatever they want. "It’s a deadly virus that did originate in Wuhan."

But what stands out as the most egregious was a statement she made while eulogizing her father, Senator John McCain. 

In response to Trump's campaign slogan, "Make America Great Again," Meghan fired back that "America Was Always Great."

Ummmm. Really, Meghan?

Did she forget about slavery? The lynchings of thousands of black men and women? The destruction of Black Wall Street? Emmett Till's murder? Lost job opportunities? Legalized segregation? Subpar living conditions, schooling and medical care? Voter suppression? "Whites only" signs? Back door entrances for restaurants, hotels, etc? Among other countless atrocities?

If the American-born McCain is so well versed in the Holocaust and racism in German History, then she should know full well the extent of racism that faced -and continues to face- black people in her own country. So is she too the racist like she claims Whoopi to be? 

I realize that canceling someone for his/her controversial remarks can be a slippery slope. It all depends on how damaging the remarks are, who becomes offended by them and whether or not any punishment is deserving.

Let me be clear. 

I wholeheartedly support cancel culture - yup, I sure do! 

And for all of you naysayers who say, "But what about freedom of speech?" 

Please know that freedom of speech is not without its consequences. I cannot yell fire in a crowded theater when there is none and expect to NOT experience any backlash from my actions. 

Racism is like a carnivore that has been eating away at America's soul since its inception. It needs to be eradicated and, when warranted, the speaker canceled.

What constitutes warranted? It's a deliberate intent to defame, dehumanize or disparage a historically marginalized group of people. 

Whoopi's comments, although controversial, does not fit the bill. She never denied the Holocaust existed nor did she attempt to dismiss or diminish its horror and subsequent impact around the world. That was clearly not her intention as evident in her quote, "man's inhumanity to man."

What she did do however was misspeak about a tragedy she had very little understanding of and ultimately paid the price for it. 

Now to all of those relishing in Whoopi's temporary downfall, please watch your step. God forbid, you ever step in doo-doo one day.

Just my two cents.

Now, please take a look at the video clip below to see what spurred the suspension. Let me know below whether you agree with me or ABC. 

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